4 Holistic Dentistry Strategies to Adopt in Your Seattle Home

If you’re interested in holistic dentistry, chances are you’ve already sought out a holistic dentistry practice in Seattle. But one of the main tenets of holistic dentistry is total body health – which means taking care of your teeth and your body between visits to your Seattle holistic dentistry clinic. Below are some holistic dentistry tactics you can try at home to improve your overall oral health.

Avoid Artificial Chemicals in your Toothpaste and MouthwashNatural-toothpaste-holistic-dentistry-seattle
You may have noticed that your commercial toothpaste includes warnings like ‘harmful if swallowed’ or ‘keep away from children’. The reason? Many toothpastes contain ingredients that can be harmful to human health or haven’t been extensively tested for long-term side effects. While you logically aren’t eating your toothpaste and thus may not have an overwhelming need to worry about these ingredients, keep in mind that every time you brush, a trace amount of these ingredients will slip down your throat or be easily absorbed into the body through your porous gums. Cumulative exposure to these ingredients is dubious at best. Harsh detergents and antibacterial agents such as triclosan and sodium lauryl sulfate are known endocrine disruptors and irritants. Their taste is covered up by artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin, which have been linked to a host of health problems and chronic disease. Ask your Seattle holistic dentistry specialists to recommend natural brands that are free from these harmful ingredients – yet just as effective at providing a clean and healthy mouth.

Avoid Artificial Chemicals in your Toothpaste and Mouthwashtongue-scraping-holistic-dentistry-seattle
You may have noticed that your commercial toothpaste includes warnings like ‘harmful if swallowed’ or ‘keep away from children’. The reason? Many toothpastes contain ingredients that can be harmful to human health or haven’t been extensively tested for long-term side effects. While you logically aren’t eating your toothpaste and thus may not have an overwhelming need to worry about these ingredients, keep in mind that every time you brush, a trace amount of these ingredients will slip down your throat or be easily absorbed into the body through your porous gums. Cumulative exposure to these ingredients is dubious at best. Harsh detergents and antibacterial agents such as triclosan and sodium lauryl sulfate are known endocrine disruptors and irritants. Their taste is covered up by artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin, which have been linked to a host of health problems and chronic disease. Ask your Seattle holistic dentistry specialists to recommend natural brands that are free from these harmful ingredients – yet just as effective at providing a clean and healthy mouth.

Scrape Your Tongue
You already know how important it is to floss your teeth to remove the bacteria and plaque that can build up there – but your tongue is also a ripe breeding ground for bacteria that cause halitosis (or bad breath), amongst other conditions. Ask your holistic dentistry practice about where you can buy a tongue scraper in Seattle. This handy manual device should be brushed over your tongue prior to brushing, to help rid your body of toxins, fungi and bacteria that can lead to a host of other health problems. Not only will this help keep your breath fresh, it will even make your food taste better. Once you’ve scraped your tongue, be sure to rinse with a swig of water and spit out the built up toxins you’ve just scraped away. If you’re still struggling with bad breath, your Seattle holistic dentistry clinic may be able to offer other naturopathic solutions.

Drink Plenty of Filtered Water
Seattle’s water sources are fluoridated, meaning fluoride, a naturally-occurring element, is added to the water in the amount of 0.8 parts per million in an effort to prevent tooth decay. However, fluoridation is a controversial topic in the holistic dentistry world, as its long-term safety is questionable. In the short-term, excessive exposure to fluoride can cause permanent stains on teeth that will require teeth whitening treatments or veneers in the future. That being said, drinking water is important to your holistic dentistry oral health. If you’re unable to brush your teeth after a meal or treat, a glass of water can help clear away acid and bacteria that would otherwise attack your teeth and potentially lead to decay. Hydrating your body also helps you produce saliva to keep plaque from building up. Stick to filtered or bottled water and enjoy the holistic dentistry benefits of staying hydrated. 

Try a Saltwater RinseHolistic-dentistry-gum-disease
If your gums are bleeding or receding, you may have gum disease. While a visit to your Seattle holistic dentistry practice is recommended to review your gum disease options, there are steps you can take in the meantime to help ease pain and sensitivity. Mix any naturally occurring salt – like Himalayan or sea salt – in a ratio of 9 teaspoons to 2/3rds of a cup of water. Shake it up and keep it handy in your bathroom. Before brushing, swish the saline rinse around your mouth for 30-60 seconds and spit it out. You’ll help neutralize bacteria that can cause bad breath and gingivitis. A saltwater rinse may not be appropriate for everyday use, so ask your Seattle holistic dentistry experts for their insight.








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