2 Approaches to Prevent and Eliminate Cavities

Did you know your nutrition directly affects your smile’s health? This article by Amanda Box from Barton Publishing highlights beloved dentist Dr. Price’s mission to create a diet that prevents and treats cavities.

Dr. Price traveled around the world, examining multiple native tribes’ teeth. With his studies, he crafted a nutritional diet that prevented over 95% of cavities—even saw cavities heal themselves!

The Nutritional Diet

In this article, Dr. Price had the following recommendations:

  • Eliminate processed foods such as white flour, sugar, and most grains.
  • Replace hydrogenated oils with healthy ones such as extra virgin coconut oil
  • Make homemade bone broth filled with minerals and gelatin
  • Eat fermented foods
  • Use raw dairy
  • Increase intake of foods with K2 (cheese, butter, oil, and liver)
  • Intake adequate amounts of vitamin D

Get the Right Toothpaste

Dr. Price also noted that the right toothpaste is crucial for a healthy smile. When you meander down the shopping aisles, be sure to avoid toothpastes with the following ingredients:

  • Fluoride
  • Glycerin
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Artificial sweeteners

These ingredients prevent your teeth from remineralization.

With these natural elements, it only makes sense to see a dentist in Seattle who approaches your oral health from a holistic paradigm. At Integrative Dentistry, Dr. Mitch Marder emphasizes natural dentistry to treat your mouth and body as one complete entity.

Get your lifestyle to commit naturalistic goals and watch your oral and overall health skyrocket. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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