We were all children, innocent and naive, always with big smiles on our faces, every day looking for a way of having more fun. But when that time came and our teeth started to move, we all panicked and began to cry that we will lose our teeth. You need to tell your child early about losing his or her teeth. It is important for him or her to be assured everything will be alright, and another set of teeth will grow instead of the old ones.
Children can start to change their teeth after the age of 5. Although there were cases where four-year-olds turned their teeth early, the majority will begin losing their baby teeth between the ages of 6 to 7. During that period, the jaw of the child has grown to its mature size. Before that age the jaw of the child was still too small to accommodate the permanent teeth. During this time period, the root of the baby teeth begins to dissolve resulting in the teeth getting loose. Over time, the baby tooth will eventually fall out while the permanent tooth will be pushing upward. When the jaw of the child has reached maturity, the jaw muscles have developed to the required strength and size needed to support the permanent teeth; and so the falling out of the baby teeth will start. This process can last for at least another 15 or 16 years, depending on when the process of baby teeth fallout has started. A child usually has 20 teeth that have come out by the age of three. The order in which the child’s milk teeth appeared is the order in which they will fall out.
Baby teeth are the ones responsible for providing space for the permanent adult teeth. They will guide the newly appeared teeth into their proper position into the jaw. It is important to know that after a baby tooth has fallen out, another permanent tooth will take its place and will push into the child’s gums. The process will start around the age of 6, when incisors and the first molars will begin to make their appearance. The molars and canines will not be replaced (erupt) until the age of 11-13.
Some children are excited to lose their baby teeth because it is a step closer to the great dream: becoming an adult. Other children are nervous about this milestone. It is important to explain to your child this process in order for him or her to feel safe about this change. Most children will ask their parents to pull out a loose tooth. At that moment, the parent will need to grab the tooth confidently with a tissue and pull it out with a quick thrust. If the tooth is resistant, try it again after a few days. You also have the option of visiting a child dentist. He will be able to resolve any loose tooth problems and also explain more about this process.
And remember, after the process of baby teeth replacement starts, you need to tell your child about the importance of proper dental care. You will have to remind your kid to brush their teeth at least twice a day and teach them how to properly clean their mouth. Helping your children floss their teeth daily is a process that a responsible parent should do alongside with periodic visits to the dentist. Ask the dentist about fluoride treatments and sealants. This treatment will help prevent tooth decay in your child’s new and improved teeth.